Thanks to my best friend from high school - Siew Min for reading my blog and gave me comments...i REALLY appreciate it! Keep on reading my updates, yeah? *~happy~
So! On the 29th Nov08 will be my Seremban Wedding Dinner.
When it comes to choosing the venue...I don't have a hard time to think which venue i want, coz I've already have the BEST choice, and that is Restaurant Min Kok!

I'm sooooo lucky! The dinner slot for my day is available! ^.^ But the main hall has been taken by a Dancing organization. They are having their Gathering there too. So my dear friends and families! I think there will be a huge crowd of 'dancing' people, coming and 'sharing' their 'happiness' with me on the 29th Nov08! Although is not hard to find a parking space at Min Kok...please come on time to avoid the jam.SO! After talking to the lady incharge...she is kind enough to let me take a few snap shoots of their mini stage and arch for my decor references. Thanks, Ms GuiLee! Here are the snap shoot:

After days of research, we decided to do BALLOONS DECORATIONS!!
This idea comes from Chenseng ^.^ (Brilliant! DD!) He saw this balloon shop at Endah Parade, Seri Petaling.
We got Mr.Winfred's name card. He is Korean! Both he and his wife run this balloon school. So I made an appointment to come over to see their PORTFOLIO. It was difficult to get him...the 1st appointment, he TOTALLY FORGET about it! (*abit angry >.<) Then I have to make it another week...and we finally meet up. He speak little english...but with our eye contact, body language and sign language (hahaha...) we communicate. He showed us quite alot of decor they did - 3 or 4 file holder! They also did the balloon fantasy show held by Bandar Utama Shopping Complex (1Utama New Wing) back in somewhr Dec07-Jan08. It was amazing how only 5 people - Mr Winfred and wife, their 3 friends from Korea (flew here just to help!) did the WHOLE centre court of NEW Wing with balloon characters - Cute baby elephant, Easter bunny, Hen and cute little chics, hotair balloons...ALL MADE from BALLOONS!
Me and Chenseng were VERY impressed. And looking through their THICK porfolio...gave us more inspirations! Our conversation include drawings and was fun! As a result:
We got Mr.Winfred's name card. He is Korean! Both he and his wife run this balloon school. So I made an appointment to come over to see their PORTFOLIO. It was difficult to get him...the 1st appointment, he TOTALLY FORGET about it! (*abit angry >.<) Then I have to make it another week...and we finally meet up. He speak little english...but with our eye contact, body language and sign language (hahaha...) we communicate. He showed us quite alot of decor they did - 3 or 4 file holder! They also did the balloon fantasy show held by Bandar Utama Shopping Complex (1Utama New Wing) back in somewhr Dec07-Jan08. It was amazing how only 5 people - Mr Winfred and wife, their 3 friends from Korea (flew here just to help!) did the WHOLE centre court of NEW Wing with balloon characters - Cute baby elephant, Easter bunny, Hen and cute little chics, hotair balloons...ALL MADE from BALLOONS!
Me and Chenseng were VERY impressed. And looking through their THICK porfolio...gave us more inspirations! Our conversation include drawings and was fun! As a result:

SO! The basic decor they provide in a wedding package is 2 balloon standy (they called it Balloon Columns), front desk decor, main table decor with mini balloons (instead of old fashion flowers) and simple back stage decor, exp: love shape made by single balloon tie on together. Balloons arch is included in the higher package. They have soooo many kinds of balloons arches! VERY CREATIVE~! and very PRETTY! I really salute Mrs Winfred - Mdm Ann! She can even make mini souvenirs from broken balloons!! Looks like Chinese styled beads...! Later if I've got time i'll post my illustration on how it looks like..REALLY AMAZING!
SO! After the discussion, ideas, drawings....comes the important part: negotiating! We initially took the RM998 package for both location - Bkt Jalil Golf Resort & Seremban Min Kok Restaurant. So, we took out some of the feature given and replaces with some other features (like wht I drawn above) We plan to keep n take care of the balloons for 2 locations 2 days.
But Mrs Winfred was so considerate - she said some balloons can't stand the `travelling'. And actually, gave us another additional front desk decor FREE!! for my Seremban dinner~~ She's such a good person! (plus she is very pretty! *^.^*)
Our package end up RM1300. (kaching! $$) hum....but me n chenseng thought is reasonable after the talking and idea sharing...meaning they are WILLING to give and accept customer's ideas to show what are they capable of and meanwhile gain a special business! We are so greatful and pay the deposit of RM300 straight away. I hope everything will turn out nice n pretty~! ^.^v