I feel Happy+Excited+Shock+Wooried in the same time....(*why?)
Story Continue...
21 OCT 2008
A week time after we sent our DIY Wedding Invitation CArd design to RedCard, Endah Parade, Irene, a very polite and good spoken lady called me to come collect it.
Good News: Yes, finally we can see+touch+feel and ready to send our 'arty red saman' to our friends and relatives *^.^*
Here's some pictures of our *eh-hum 'Award-winning master piece':
Here's a close up shot of the 'double happiness - HEI' wedding envelope for my wedding card! *^.^*!
YES! YES! My wedding invt card is very matching with the envelope they provided for us =) Actually we got to choose from a variety of 3-4 kinds of wedding card envelope from RedCard. *Thanks to Irene *^.^*
SO! Continue with the excitement from me - YES! I have to be the first person to OPEN and UNWRAP the newly wrapped master-pieces....After me n chenseng collected out 'FRESH-LY' printed out wedding invites, chenseng is so kind enough to drive me back home - SEREMBAN!! Just to pass them the girl-side wedding invites!! After colleection is almost 8.30pm, we had a quick dinner then went straight to SEREMBAN at about 9.15pm. Chenseng know I'm worried 'bout my parent's friends and relatives may get the invites late (I memang kiasu abit lar...but I'm just being a good daughther and am worried bout my parent's friends got my notice late and could make it =(...please forgive my kiasu-ness =P)
Anyway! Without saying more, Chenseg drove me down to SEREMBAN on a working day!! *muah *muah SO, once I reached SEREMBAN, my mom and dad were so excited **^.^**! Especially my dad....HIS MASTER PIECE can now distribute to the world~~!! opss... Hehehe.. wht I mean is, now his friends and relatives and who ever got invited can see his art pieces =) Mom laugh at Daddy the other day, when they checked my blog: they saw compliments from my friends in my shoutbox~! and Daddy showed a 'berlagak punya muka' - proud-face to mommy and repeat and repeat and repeat the compliments:"Uncle Foo's painting very nice! Uncle Foo can paint so well!!"..MUahahaha... "Daddy, me and chenseng are REALLY proud of our wedding invitation cards too *^.^*!!"
Now let the picture tell u how Bridezilla KathyFoo Unwrap the freshly wrapped~!!*he-he-he
"Gently...gently now..." Check out my face, is worried+fraunning a little and both shoulders up~! *YES! Very 'gan jiong' me!

TADA!! *Jang ~jang jang~
SO! TO ALL MR. FOO's, MRS. FOO aka Mdm Choong and MRS. Ng (*eh-hum) aka KATHY FOO's HONOURABLE Friends and Relatives, we are ready and coming to pass you our very SPECIAL invites to my BIG DAY~ 29th November 08, Saturday Night @ MinKok Restaurant, Seremban to celebrate with us as our honoured guest for dinner **^.^**!!
Hope you'll like my invites and see you there~! *^.^* !
(currently been travelling here n thr, up and down frm KL-Seremban, to research fabrics,motifs and accesories for ANOTHER MAJOR D.I.Y Wedding Projects~!! Yes, my friends, my DIY is becoming MORE CHALLENGING NOW - I'm DIY-ing my own Qipao!~*^.^*~!
My DEAREST MOM decide to Tailor me a 'very special - one-in-a-million' Qipao just for my Chinese Tea Ceremony~!! *I'm so 'gam dong'~~I think I'm the luckiest Bridezilla of all~~ *snif*snif)
THANK YOU MOMMY!! **^.^**LOVE YOU FOREVER, Mommy and Daddy **^.^**
Not So Good News: Well, I shouldn't spoilt the mood/aora in this post but I hav to mention it coz is related to the progress of printing my wedding card.
What happend was, we wanted 230pcs of wedding invites with front/back cover laminations and another set of the inside sinili paper (with all the wordings) attached to the cover. The problem came: LAMINATIONS!! The printer spoilt over 40 psc of my cover coz the laminations job is BADLY DONE =( Scratch marks, floating, folded marks and uneven croppings~!!
Humm...I guess it only happend when you custome-made your own card then SO many errors came out. So, Irene hav to re-print 40 over psc cover for me and tht will be, of course LATE!! Pass my DEADLINE, man! There's actually somemore 'rejects' I haae no choice but to REJECT!
So, to all brides-to-be out there, if you are doin custome-made card with laminations/hot-stamping/spot UV or any dyi-cut: PLEASE BE EXTRA carefull with ur design and try your best to understand and monitor the QUALITY of the printer provide. Talk to the middle person (as in the sales/ showroom manager etc) nicely and ask them to help you monitor or pass message.
ANYWAYS~!!^.^!! I'm glad I'm surrounded by very helpful and kind friends and people that serve me well (*eh-hum...except SOME...I think you know wht happended earlier) abit bumpy and cracky...NOW my BIG DAY IS NEAR, push-tost-wash all those bad genki away and *happy thoughts* (thanks to all my collegues around me for always reminding me *happy thoughts*) Hope people will change and become better toward each other *^.^*
*CLAP* And hope my new APPLE MAC will come ontime b4 my GOU DAI LAI *^.^* MAC MAC APPLE COME TO BRIDEZILLA~!! *hihihi *CLAP*