Bridal Illustration by Artist Steven Ng

It's been awhile since i last post in here *^.^* But but but.... i'm sure to have great surprises for u all Brides-to-be out there *^.^*

Few days back, thr's request from on of the brides to hav their CARTOON version graphic for their wedding *^.^* They saw my previous post: Kathy Cartoon Me by Beloved Hubby ChenSeng. It was half done for tht version. But!

Ladies n gentlemen! My beloved hubby had created BETTER and MORE Beautiful art piece of bridal art~*^.^*~!! YES! Pls enjoy and appreciate the art pieces and tell me which one you like and what can be improve yay =) (should we include a groom? or show more of the bridal gowns?) Let us know~~ *^.^*
Bridal Art 01

Bridal Art 02

Illustration: Ng Chen Seng
Art Direction: Ng Chen Seng
All are hand-drawn by my beloved hubby - Mr. Ng

Let us know which and what you think *^.^* Happy New Year and Gong Hei Fatt Dai Choy!! *roar*


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